Sunday, October 28, 2007

Doing Group Project

The presence of a leader implies a need for goal to be achieved or project to be implemented.

There must be actions then that should answer the questions of what, how, where, and when to do things well for such group target. As the "captain of the ship", the leader should be an initiator of action focusing on everything under his influence and control with proper conveyance of instructions or guidelines to the group for the members or subordinates to go in accordance with the leading action.

Here are some suggested points a leader should have acted as initiator. Just be reminded of the acronym T-E-A-M-S.


A clarified tasks would assure better understanding of roles, functions, and supports. It is true that no one could do everything to achieve a group target, thus, individual focus on each clarified task is a big help which implicates knowing what to do.


An assessed environment would assure proper planning and smooth implementation of the tasks clarified by the leader to each subordinate.


The abilities combined would build a strong group as each individual would act in accordance to each of their varied skills, specializations, and expertise.


The coordinated movements would lead to the achievement of goal as planned wherein each time consumed in doing each task is basically useful and never wasteful.


A simplified system would give a clear view of the mission-vision of the group and present practical ways and ethical standards geared towards maintaining efficiency in performance and consistency of progress.

For us to be reminded always of the important points that should be done in doing group project or achieving a goal, let remember the word TEAMS.

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