Monday, November 5, 2007

Achieving Institutional Goals

How do we motivate others to join us wholeheartedly in achieving institutional goals?

It starts with good relationship while presenting a clear view of what we would like to achieve, commonly known as the mission-vision. The personality of each one involved may be considered to assure individual action according to unique nature.

Thus, there is a matching of the
institution and individuality of each one.

We must be reminded that each one has own personal experiences, family background, educational attainment, income preferences, taste, etc. which point out the importance of individual data. Proper selection of roles, positions, or responsibilities stipulated within the institution could then be easily given to each one without any violent reaction regarding mismatching.

What has been discussed above is the foundational stage which is reaching out the SUBJECTIVE NATURE of each one - THE FIRST PHASE.

The ways and means on how to attain certain targets may follow next to assure oneness of direction despite of the many fields or specializations involved. Here, the policies must be agreed by the people as a whole, if possible, in a consensus - wherein each one realized the need to agree after thorough deliberation. Moreover, institutional discipline is basically applicable which deals on technicalities including legalities, internal and external processes, systems application, evaluation, and the like.

It is the implementation stage which is utilizing the


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